Knock Free Intent Analysis

Knock Free Intent Analysis

Find the Revenue Opportunities You’re Missing

What percentage of your website visitors are ready to buy right now?

How many ideal buyers are leaving without converting?

With Knock, every CTA is mapped to first-party intent signals.

Knock’s AI-powered detection categorizes all visitors by intent, whether they’re job seekers, potential partners, or ready-to-buy customers.


Get a full analysis of visitor intent in real time so you can capture your ideal buyers before they turn to your competitors.

What’s Inside the Report?

Website Visitors Intent: Knock automatically maps every CTA on your website and captures real-time first party intent signals from your visitors. Segment visitors based on their intent scores and filter out leads with no intent to purchase. This saves time for your SDR team, allowing them to focus only on high-value, relevant leads.

Identify Website Visitors:

Knock’s technology identifies the companies and contacts that visit your website, even if they don’t fill out a form.

With AI-driven enrichment, gather detailed insights about these visitors in real time and determine if they align with your ICP.

Knock reveal the intent score of your website visitors
Knock reveal the intent score of your website visitors
Identifies the
Identifies the companies and contacts

Improve website conversion:

Knock identifies your top performing pages and CTAs while uncovering underperforming ones. Get actionable recommendations for the most effective copy to boost conversions. Drill down even further by detecting which accounts click on each CTA, so you can optimize every touchpoint and turn interest into action.


Get Your Free Report

Knock offers a free analysis of your website to uncover hidden revenue opportunities. Find out exactly how many visitors arrive with intent to purchase and receive actionable best practices to convert them into loyal customers.

Deploy the Knock tag in just 5 seconds and receive a full analysis of your website after 7 days.

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About Knock Knock understands today’s buyer preferences. They demand a seamless, hassle-free experience and wish to decide when and how to engage. Our solution allows you to place 'engagement buttons' on any platform, opening a private, secure chat channel directly in Slack. This chat is asynchronous, meaning responses don't have to be immediate, which is convenient for everyone. Setting this up is incredibly easy—it takes just ten seconds and doesn't require any coding.

[|Explore Knock]
